1/10 Compensation(noun)

Something, typically money, awarded to someone in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury. (मुआवज़ा)

Synonyms: Allowance, Benefit, Bonus, Coverage

Antonyms: Debt, Hurt, Loss, Penalty

Example: The court awarded the victims millions of dollars in compensation.

2/10 Irregularities(noun)

The state or quality of being irregular. (अनियमितता)

Synonyms: Distortion, Flaw, Inconsistency, Aberration

Antonyms: Perfection, Conformity, Continuation, Regularity

Example: We uncovered irregularities in the town's finances.

3/10 Consolidate(verb)

Make (something) physically stronger or more solid. (मजबूत)

Synonyms: Combine, Unite, Merge, Integrate

Antonyms: Decrease, Discourage, Disperse, Dissuade

Example: The administration hopes that such measures will consolidate its position.

4/10 Substantial(adjective)

Having a firm basis in reality and so important, meaningful, or considerable. (मूल)

Synonyms: Considerable, Substantial, Significant, Sizeable

Antonyms: Insignificant, Inconsequential, Nominal, Negligible

Example: These changes are more symbolic than substantive.

5/10 Retained(verb)

Continue to have (something) (बनाए रखा)

Synonyms: Absorb, Contain, Enjoy, Maintain

Antonyms: Abandon, Desert, Disperse, Dispossess

Example: She has lost her battle to retain control of the company.

6/10 Allies(noun)

A state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose. (मित्र-राष्ट्र)

Synonyms: Associate, Colleague, Friend, Partner

Antonyms: Antagonist, Detractor, Enemy, Foe

Example: India and its Asian allies.

7/10 Intercept(verb)

The action or fact of preventing someone or something from continuing to a destination. (पाबंदी)

Synonyms: Interference, Stopping, Interfering With, Interposing.

Antonyms: Miss, Drop, Fumble, Release

Example: Detectives have been intercepting her mail.

8/10 Tactic(noun)

An action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end. (रणनीति)

Synonyms: Approach, Campaign, Channels, Course

Antonyms: Impractical, Unwise, Injudicious, Imprudent

Example: Though she was not kc-mahei, she used the tactics of warfare to maintain her position of leadership.

9/10 Spreading(verb)

Open out (something) so as to extend its surface area, width, or length. (प्रसार)

Synonyms: Growing, Radial, Widening, Extensive

Antonyms: Suppressed, Halt, Stop, Abridgment

Example: The newspaper was spread across his lap.

10/10 Threaten(verb)

A statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done. (धमकी)

Synonyms: Warning, Ultimatum, Commination, Menaces

Antonyms: Certainty, Safety, Surety.

Example: The country is a great/major/serious threat to world peace.

1/10 Offensive(adjective)

To hurt somebody’s feelings. (अपमानित)

Synonyms: Angry, Annoyed, Exasperated, Insulted

Antonyms: Aid, Assist, Assuage, Calm

Example: The smell of ash offended him.

2/10 Conflict(noun)

A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one. (टकराव)

Synonyms: Battle, Clash, Combat, Competition

Antonyms: Peace, Truce, Agreement, Calm

Example: There was a lot of conflict between him and his father.

3/10 Escalate(verb)

A rapid increase (वृद्धि)

Synonyms: Acceleration, Growth, Increase, Rise

Antonyms: Decrease, Diminishment, Lower, Fall

Example: Both countries mobilized their armies, but pressure from the international community averted further escalation.

4/10 Unprecedented(adjective)

Never done or known before. (अभूतपूर्व)

Synonyms: Unparalleled, Unequalled, Unmatched, Unrivalled

Antonyms: Bad, Common, Commonplace, Customary

Example: The team has enjoyed unprecedented success this year.

5/10 Consequences(noun)

A result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant. (प्रभाव)

Synonyms: Result, Outcome, Sequel, Effect

Antonyms: Cause, Origin, Source, Beginning,

Example: The money was of little consequence to Tony.

6/10 Violating(verb)

Break or fail to comply with (a rule or formal agreement). (उल्लंघन)

Synonyms: Contravene, Breach, Infringe, Infract

Antonyms: Aid, Assist, Help, Obey

Example: He was arrested for violating his parole.

7/10 Granted(conjunction)

Used to admit that something is true, before saying something else about it. (स्वीकृत)

Synonyms: Acknowledged, Assumed, Admitted, Indeed

Antonyms: Unaccepted, Refuse, Deny

Example: We haven't yet been granted access to the archive.

8/10 Detention(noun)

Confinement or imprisonment, usually for a short time (कैद)

Synonyms: Custody, Imprisonment, Confinement, Incarceration

Antonyms: Assistance, Help, Freedom, Liberation

Example: He was kept in detention by the police.

9/10 Condemned(adjective)

Express complete disapproval of (निंदा)

Synonyms: Castigate, Censure, Chide, Criticize

Antonyms: Approve, Compliment, Laud, Praise

Example: We strongly condemn this attack against our allies.

10/10 Intrusion(noun)

Entrance by force or without permission or welcome. (अतिक्रमण)

Synonyms: Encroachment, Imposition, Incursion, Interference

Antonyms: Aid, Help, Retreat, Obedience

Example: They claim the noise from the new airport is an intrusion on their lives.

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