1/10 Impunity(noun)

Exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action. (दण्डमुक्ति)

Synonyms: Immunity, Exemption, Freedom, Protection

Antonyms: Accountability, Liability, Punishment, Responsibility

Example: The corrupt officials acted with impunity, knowing they would not face any consequences.

2/10 Stern(adjective)

Serious, strict, or uncompromising in nature or demeanor. (गंभीर, कठोर)

Synonyms: Severe, Harsh, Grim, Firm

Antonyms: Lenient, Gentle, Easygoing, Soft

Example: The teacher gave a stern warning to the students about cheating during exams.

3/10 Coordination(noun)

The process of organizing people or groups so that they work together properly and well (समन्वय)

Synonyms: Collaboration, Cooperation, Partnership, Collusion

Antonyms: Clumsiness, Incoordination, Ineptitude, Ineptness

Example: Playing sports improves strength and coordination.

4/10 Indulging(verb)

Allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of. (लिप्त)

Synonyms: Entertain, Nourish, Pamper, Satiate

Antonyms: Deprive, Dissatisfy, Ignore, Neglect

Example: She has never been one to indulge in gossip.

5/10 Spreading(verb)

Open out (something) so as to extend its surface area, width, or length. (प्रसार)

Synonyms: Growing, Radial, Widening, Extensive

Antonyms: Suppressed, Halt, Stop, Abridgment

Example: The newspaper was spread across his lap.

6/10 Influence(noun)

The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself. (प्रभाव)

Synonyms: Clout, Consequence, Control, Domination

Antonyms: Beginning, Cause, Commencement, Insignificance

Example: His health problems may have had some influence on his decision.

7/10 Designated(verb)

Appoint (someone) to a specified office or post. (नामित)

Synonyms: Appoint, Nominate, Depute, Delegate

Antonyms: Avoidable, Unscheduled

Example: She has been designated to organize the meeting.

8/10 Sought(verb)

To try to find or get something. (तलाश करना)

Synonyms: Pursued, Hunted, Chased

Antonyms: Lost, Ignored, Neglected

Example: He sought help from the police.

9/10 Provision(noun)

The action of providing or supplying something for use. (प्रावधान)

Synonyms: Arrangement, Plan, Accouterment, Catering

Antonyms: Removal, Taking, Poison

Example: I carried my provisions in one large backpack.

10/10 Malicious(adjective)

Characterized by malice. (दुर्भावनापूर्ण)

Synonyms: Spiteful, Malevolent, Hostile, Bitter

Antonyms: Benevolent, Assisting, Decent, Forgiving

Example: The referee said there was no malicious intent.

1/10 Intention(noun)

An aim or plan (इरादा)

Synonyms: Aim, Hope, Motive, Objective

Antonyms: Flexible, Indefinite, Soft, Trivial

Example: She announced her intention to run for governor.

2/10 Coalition(noun)

A temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government. (गठबंधन)

Synonyms: Alliance, Affiliation, Caucus, Federation

Antonyms: Detachment, Disengagement, Disjoining, Dissolution

Example: The groups united to form a coalition.

3/10 Defeated(adjective)

Having been beaten in a battle or other contest. (पराजित)

Synonyms: Dejected, Dispirited, Disconsolate, Depressed

Antonyms: Proud, Jubilant, Exultant, Rejoicing

Example: She was defeated by the last steep hill.

4/10 Certainly(adverb)

Without doubt (ज़रूर)

Synonyms: Absolutely, Assuredly, Exactly, Surely

Antonyms: Doubtfully, Questionably, Dubiously, Equivocally

Example: She certainly has a lot of talent.

5/10 Appeal(verb)

Make a serious, urgent, or heartfelt request. (याचना करना)

Synonyms: Application, Bid, Call, Claim

Antonyms: Answer, Reply, Denial, Disavowal

Example: The mayor made an appeal to the people of the city to stay calm.

6/10 Faction(noun)

A small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics. (दल)

Synonyms: Clan, Gang, Junta, Minority

Antonyms: Individual, Whole, Agreement, Conformity

Example: There are factions within groups and groups within factions.

7/10 Pandemic(noun)

A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole country or the world at a particular time. (महामारी)

Synonyms: Widespread, Prevalent, Pervasive, Global

Antonyms: Exclusive, Extraordinary, Incomplete, Individual

Example: Their arrival in the colony could not have been more badly timed, coinciding with the 1918 influenza pandemic.

8/10 Surge(noun)

Increase suddenly and powerfully. (बढ़ती)

Synonyms: Gush, Rush, Stream, Flow

Antonyms: Decline, Decrease, Descend, Lessen

Example: We all surged toward the door.

9/10 Varied(adjective)

Incorporating a number of different types or elements. (विभिन्न)

Synonyms: Diverse, Assorted, Diversified, Miscellaneous

Antonyms: Uniform, Same, Similar, Like

Example: We try to eat a more varied diet.

10/10 Strapped(adjective)

Short of money. (तंगी)

Synonyms: Impoverished, Beggared, Broke, Dirt Poor

Antonyms: Rich, Wealthy, Untied, Unstrapped

Example: There was a box strapped to the floor beneath the bench.

1/10 Prescribed(verb)

To authorize or recommend the use of something, such as a medication or a procedure. (निर्धारित करना, लिखना)

Synonyms: Ordered, Recommended, Directed, Mandated

Antonyms: Prohibited, Optional, Unspecified, Discouraged

Example: The doctor prescribed antibiotics to treat the infection.

2/10 Mitigate(verb)

The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something. (शमन)

Synonyms: Alleviate, Assuage, Lighten, Relieve

Antonyms: Disqualification, Inability, Inaptitude, Lack

Example: She raised her'kerchief to her nose to mitigate the stench.

3/10 Confined(adjective)

To limit an activity, person, or problem in some way. (सीमाबद्ध)

Synonyms: Imprisonment, Internment, Custody, Detention.

Antonyms: Liberty, Freedom, Allowance, Permission.

Example: The dog was kept in confinement until it was determined to be healthy.

4/10 Surveillance(noun)

Close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal. (निगरानी)

Synonyms: Observation, Scrutiny, Inspection, Monitoring.

Antonyms: Neglect, Carelessness, Ignorance.

Example: The bank robbery was recorded by surveillance video cameras.

5/10 Vigil(noun)

A period of keeping awake during the time usually spent asleep, especially to keep watch or pray. (प्रदर्शन)

Synonyms: Watch, Surveillance, Lookout, Observation

Antonyms: Disregard, Heedlessness, Ignorance, Indifference

Example: His parents kept vigil beside his bed for weeks before he died.

6/10 Imposed(verb)

To make a law, rule, opinion, etc. be accepted by using your power or authority. (आरोपित करना)

Synonyms: Charged, Fined, Levied, Assessed

Antonyms: Remitted, Released, Lessened, Abated

Example: I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children.

7/10 Granted(adjective)

Given or allowed, often in response to a request or as a privilege. (प्रदान किया हुआ)

Synonyms: Allowed, Permitted, Conceded, Authorized

Antonyms: Denied, Refused, Rejected, Withheld

Example: She was granted permission to attend the conference.

8/10 Extended(adjective)

Made larger. (विस्तारित)

Synonyms: Expand, Enlarge, Increase, Lengthen

Antonyms: Reduce, Shrink, Narrow

Example: He extended a hand in greeting.

9/10 Assess(verb)

The action or an instance of making a judgment about something. (आकलन)

Synonyms: Appraisal, Estimate, Judgment, Computation

Antonyms: Apathy, Detachment, Disregard

Example: We must make an assessment of the cost of repairs.

10/10 Significant(adjective)

In a sufficiently great or important way as to be worthy of attention. (काफी)

Synonyms: Notably, Remarkably, Importantly, Seriously

Antonyms: Slightly, Doubtfully, Apparently, Superficially

Example: Another store sold the game for a significantly lower price.

1/10 Affected(verb)

To have an influence on someone or something, or to cause a change in someone or something. (प्रभावित)

Synonyms: Afflicted, Concerned, Damaged, Distressed

Antonyms: Calm, Collected, Happy, Sane

Example: I find her rather affected.

2/10 Strains(verb)

Force (a part of one's body or oneself) to make an unusually great effort. (खींचना)

Synonyms: Ache, Anxiety, Bruise, Burden

Antonyms: Aid, Calmness, Ease, Health

Example: I strained my back trying to lift the couch.

3/10 Effective(adjective)

Successful in producing a desired or intended result. (असरदार)

Synonyms: Adequate, Compelling, Competent, Direct

Antonyms: Helpless, Impotent, Inadequate, Incapable

Example: His troops have now assumed effective control of the area.

4/10 Dominant(adjective)

Having power and influence over others. (प्रभुत्व वाला)

Synonyms: Presiding, Ruling, Governing, Controlling

Antonyms: Auxiliary, Extra, Impotent, Incapable

Example: The ruler was depicted as dominant by his size, costume, and actions.

5/10 Assertion(noun)

State a fact or belief confidently and forcefully. (जोर देना)

Synonyms: Declare, Maintain, Contend, Argue

Antonyms: Deny, Disavow, Disclaim, Negate

Example: He asserted that there were spies in the government.

6/10 Bastion(noun)

A projecting part of a fortification built at an angle to the line of a wall, so as to allow defensive fire in several directions. (गढ़)

Synonyms: Bulwark, Citadel, Fortress, Mainstay

Antonyms: Weak Spot, Weakness

Example: The ownership of property by as many people as possible is one of the main bastions of liberty.

7/10 Formation(noun)

The action of forming or the process of being formed; something that is created or shaped. (निर्माण)

Synonyms: Creation, Development, Establishment, Configuration

Antonyms: Destruction, Disintegration, Dismantling

Example: The formation of clouds in the sky indicates that rain is coming soon.

8/10 Appreciating(verb)

To value or admire highly. (अधिमूल्यित)

Synonyms: Value, Respect, Prize, Cherish

Antonyms: Criticize, Decrease, Depreciate, Disparage

Example: I really appreciated the information you gave me.

9/10 Staggering(verb)

To walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall. (लड़खड़ाना)

Synonyms: Wobble, Lurch, Sway, Reel

Antonyms: Steady, Walk straight, March

Example: After drinking too much, he was staggering down the street.

10/10 Province(noun)

A principal administrative division of a country or empire. (प्रांत)

Synonyms: Territory, Region, State, Department

Antonyms: Avocation, Entertainment, Fun, Recreation

Example: Other provinces have funded various projects over the years.

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