1/40 Compliance(noun)

The act of obeying a law or rule, especially one that controls a particular industry or type of work. (अनुपालन)

Synonyms: Adherence, Conformance, Conformity, Observation

Antonyms: Defiance, Disobedience, Intractability, Recalcitrance

Example: We monitor firms to ensure compliance with the law.

2/40 Sought(verb)

To try to find or get something. (तलाश करना)

Synonyms: Pursued, Hunted, Chased

Antonyms: Lost, Ignored, Neglected

Example: He sought help from the police.

3/40 Pertain(noun)

To exist or apply in a particular situation or at a particular time (संबंधित)

Synonyms: Concern, Connected, Referring, Related

Antonyms: Ignore, Disregard, Slight

Example: The laws pertaining to immigration.

4/40 Relevant(adjective)

Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered. (उपयुक्त)

Synonyms: Pertinent, Applicable, Apposite, Material

Antonyms: Improper, Inapplicable, Inappropriate, Incompatible

Example: The data are not relevant to the issue.

5/40 Cognizable(adjective)

Knowledge or awareness. (ध्यान में रखते)

Synonyms: Awareness, Knowledge, Consciousness, Apprehension

Antonyms: Ignorant, Disregard, Heedlessness, Inattention

Example: He should take cognizance of those who disagree with his theory.

6/40 Necessitating(verb)

Make (something) necessary as a result or consequence. (जरूरी)

Synonyms: Entail, Involve, Demand, Require

Antonyms: Calculate, Check, Delay, Disallow.

Example: Reduction in government spending will necessitate further cuts in public services.

7/40 Impartial(adjective)

Treating all rivals or disputants equally. (निष्पक्ष)

Synonyms: Unbiased, Unprejudiced, Neutral, Candid

Antonyms: Biased, Interested, Involved, Partial

Example: As an impartial observer my analysis is supposed to be objective.

8/40 Fraudulently(adverb)

Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. (धोखा)

Synonyms: Blackmail, Deceit, Extortion, Graft

Antonyms: Artlessness, Entertainment, Forthrightness, Frankness

Example: He was found guilty of bank fraud.

9/40 Quash(verb)

To say that an official decision is no longer true or legal. (अभिखंडित करना)

Synonyms: Cancel, Reverse, Rescind, Repeal

Antonyms: Compliment, Encourage, Praise, Release

Example: A judge later quashed Brenda's jail term.

10/40 Collusion(noun)

Secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others. (आपसी साँठ - गाँठ)

Synonyms: Conspiracy, Connivance, Complicity, Intrigue

Antonyms: Honesty, Truthfulness, Faithfulness, Ignorance

Example: The companies were accused of acting in collusion to fix prices.

11/40 Ousted(verb)

Drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place. (बेदख़ल)

12/40 Impoverished(adjective)

Made poor. (गरीब)

13/40 Deserted(adjective)

Abandoned. (सुनसान)

14/40 Immense(adjective)

Extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree. (अत्यधिक)

15/40 Vast(adjective)

Of very great extent or quantity. (विशाल)

16/40 Scattered(adjective)

Spread over a large area or happening several times during a period of time. (फैला हुआ)

17/40 Retrieved(verb)

To get something back from the place where it was left or lost. (पुनः प्राप्‍त करना)

18/40 Menacing(adjective)

A person or thing that is likely to cause harm. (धमकी)

19/40 Insurgency(noun)

A person who rises in active revolt, typically against an established government or authority. (विद्रोही)

20/40 Retreated(verb)

Move back or withdraw. (पीछे हटना)

21/40 Starvation(noun)

Suffering or death caused by lack of food. (भुखमरी)

22/40 Truce(noun)

An agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time. (युद्धविराम संधि)

23/40 Consequences(noun)

A result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant. (प्रभाव)

24/40 Extortion(noun)

Obtain (something) by force, threats, or other unfair means. (जबरन वसूली)

25/40 Assistance(noun)

The act of helping or supporting someone in achieving a goal or completing a task. (सहायता)

26/40 Condemned(adjective)

Express complete disapproval of. (निंदा)

27/40 Coordination(noun)

The process of organizing people or groups so that they work together properly and well. (समन्वय)

28/40 Envoy(noun)

A messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission. (दूत)

29/40 Described(verb)

Give a detailed account in words of. (वर्णित)

30/40 Plunging(adjective)

Jump or dive quickly and energetically. (कूद पड़े)

31/40 Scrutiny(noun)

Critical observation or examination. (जांच)

32/40 Imply(verb)

Suggested but not directly expressed. (अस्पष्ट)

33/40 Allegation(noun)

Said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality. (कथित)

34/40 Assurance(noun)

Tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts. (आश्वासन)

35/40 Conspiracy(noun)

A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. (साजिश)

36/40 Conducting(verb)

Led by a guide. (संचालित)

37/40 Cited(verb)

To mention something as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has happened. (उद्धरण देना)

38/40 Slams(verb)

Shut (a door, window, or lid) forcefully and loudly. (पटक दिया)

39/40 Manipulated(verb)

To control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly. (चालाकी)

40/40 Tampered(verb)

To touch or make changes to something that you should not, usually without enough knowledge of how it works or when you are trying to damage it. (छेड़छाड़)

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