1/10 Comprises(verb)

Be made up of. (शामिल)

Synonyms: Compose, Constitute, Contain, Cover

Antonyms: Abandon, Destroy, Exclude, Neglect

Example: Each army division comprised 4,500 troops.

2/10 Cognizance(noun)

Knowledge or awareness. (ध्यान में रखते)

Synonyms: Awareness, Knowledge, Consciousness, Apprehension

Antonyms: Ignorant, Disregard, Heedlessness, Inattention

Example: He should take cognizance of those who disagree with his theory.

3/10 Adequate(adjective)

Satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity. (पर्याप्त)

Synonyms: Acceptable, Capable, Competent, Decent

Antonyms: Inadequate, Inappropriate, Incapable, Incompetent

Example: The school lunch should be adequate to meet the nutritional needs of growing children.

4/10 Enthusiastic(adjective)

Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. (उत्साही)

Synonyms: Eager, Fervent, Zealous, Passionate

Antonyms: Apathetic, Cold, Cool, Disinterested

Example: I'm not wildly enthusiastic about your latest idea.

5/10 Expressing(verb)

to show something such as a feeling or an opinion by words or actions. (व्यक्त)

Synonyms: Communicate, Convey, Indicate, Show

Antonyms: Suppress, Restrict, Restrain, Stifle

Example: He expressed an interest in the product.

6/10 Expanding(verb)

To become or to make something bigger. (फैलना या फैलाना)

Synonyms: Enlarge, Swell, Dilate, Inflate.

Antonyms: Shrink, Contract, Condense, Scale Down.

Example: His business has expanded to serve the entire state.

7/10 Maintenance(noun)

Cause or enable (a condition or situation) to continue. (अनुरक्षित)

Synonyms: Continue, Control, Cultivate, Finance

Antonyms: Abandon, Destroy, Discontinue, Finish

Example: The king swears he will maintain the laws of God.

8/10 Preserved(verb)

Maintain (something) in its original or existing state. (संरक्षित)

Synonyms: Untouched, Uncontaminated, Unspoiled, Pristine

Antonyms: Decayed, Decomposed, Corrupted, Spoiled

Example: The fossil was well preserved.

9/10 Renovation(noun)

Restore (something old, especially a building) to a good state of repair. (सुधारना)

Synonyms: Redecorate, Refurbish, Revamp, Recondition

Antonyms: Break, Damage, Destroy, Ruin

Example: It's an old factory that has been renovated as office space.

10/10 Complicated(adjective)

To make something more difficult to deal with, do, or understand. (जटिल बनाना)

Synonyms: Arduous, Convoluted, Difficult, Fancy

Antonyms: Easy, Facile, Nice, Plain

Example: All he does is complicate things.

1/10 Induced(verb)

Brought about or caused to happen, often as a result of influence or persuasion. (प्रेरित करना)

Synonyms: Caused, Triggered, Prompted, Persuaded

Antonyms: Prevented, Discouraged, Hindered, Dissuaded

Example: The doctor induced labor to ensure a safe delivery.

2/10 Rigorously(adverb)

In a strict, thorough, and accurate manner. (कठोरता से)

Synonyms: Strictly, Meticulously, Thoroughly, Stringently

Antonyms: Loosely, Carelessly, Leniently, Inaccurately

Example: The experiment was rigorously tested to ensure its accuracy.

3/10 Steady(adjective)

Firmly fixed, supported, or balance (नियमित)

Synonyms: Stable, Balanced, Firm, Fixed

Antonyms: Unstable, Loose, Shaky, Unsteadily

Example: There has been a steady increase in prices.

4/10 Recruiting(verb)

The process of actively seeking out, finding and hiring candidates for a specific position or job (भर्ती)

Synonyms: Hiring, Engaging, Enrollment, Employment

Antonyms: Discharge, Firing, Dismissal, Removal

Example: The recruitment process has been really successful and all managers and team leaders have now been placed.

5/10 Assert(verb)

State a fact or belief confidently and forcefully. (जोर देना)

Synonyms: Declare, Maintain, Contend, Argue

Antonyms: Deny, Disavow, Disclaim, Negate

Example: He asserted that there were spies in the government.

6/10 Annoyed(adjective)

Feeling or showing angry irritation. (परेशान)

Synonyms: Irritated, Bothered, Exasperated, Upset

Antonyms: Pleased, Happy, Satisfied, Content

Example: She gave me an annoyed look.

7/10 Attempted(verb)

Make an effort to achieve or complete (something difficult). (प्रयासित)

Synonyms: Begun, Initiated, Launched, Started

Antonyms: Dropped, Quit, Gave Up, Quitted

Example: he would not have attempted the life of a friend.

8/10 Dignified(adjective)

The state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect. (गरिमा)

Synonyms: Decency, Decorum, Grace, Grandeur

Antonyms: Dishonor, Evil, Immorality, Indecency

Example: She comported herself with great dignity at her husband's funeral.

9/10 Preference(noun)

Liked or wanted more than anything else. (मुख्य)

Synonyms: Approved, Favored, Chosen, Culled

Antonyms: Common, Average, Ordinary, Rejected

Example: Customers preferred the brand name product.

10/10 Prevailing(adjective)

Existing at a particular time. (प्रचलित)

Synonyms: Current, Predominant, Prevalent, Rampant

Antonyms: Limited, Uncommon, Unfixed, Individual

Example: The town is kept cool by the prevailing westerly winds.

1/10 Ruined(adjective)

Destroyed or severely damaged, especially to the point of being beyond repair or recovery. (बर्बाद)

Synonyms: Destroyed, Wrecked, Shattered, Devastated

Antonyms: Restored, Repaired, Preserved, Rebuilt

Example: The storm ruined the entire crop for the season.

2/10 Plagued(adjective)

Troubled or tormented continually, often by something harmful or unpleasant. (पीड़ित)

Synonyms: Tormented, Afflicted, Harassed, Bothered

Antonyms: Relieved, Comforted, Untroubled, Assisted

Example: The city has been plagued by frequent power outages this year.

3/10 Granted(adjective)

Given or allowed, often in response to a request or as a privilege. (प्रदान किया हुआ)

Synonyms: Allowed, Permitted, Conceded, Authorized

Antonyms: Denied, Refused, Rejected, Withheld

Example: She was granted permission to attend the conference.

4/10 Buried(adjective)

Covered or hidden, often by being placed under the ground or another surface. (दफन किया हुआ)

Synonyms: Entombed, Interred, Concealed, Hidden

Antonyms: Exposed, Unearthed, Revealed, Discovered

Example: The treasure was buried deep in the ground.

5/10 Emphasizing(verb)

Give special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing. (बल देना)

Synonyms: Accentuate, Affirm, Assert, Highlight

Antonyms: Deny, Lose, Mumble, Depreciate

Example: He emphasized how important diet was to health.

6/10 Restoration(noun)

The action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition. (मरम्मत)

Synonyms: Repairing, Fixing, Mending, Refurbishment

Antonyms: Destruction, Abolition, Neglect

Example: The building is undergoing restoration.

7/10 Appropriate(adjective)

Suitable or proper in the circumstances. (उचित)

Synonyms: Suitable, Proper, Fitting, Relevant

Antonyms: Evil, Improper, Inappropriate, Incorrect

Example: It was thought appropriate to award her the prize.

8/10 Rejuvenation(noun)

Restore a youthful appearance to. (नया करना)

Synonyms: Restore, Revive, Refresh, Recreate

Antonyms: Kill, Suppress, Extinguish, Quench

Example: Each candidate claims to have a plan to rejuvenate the sagging economy.

9/10 Migrated(noun)

Movement from one part of something to another. (प्रवास)

Synonyms: Relocation, Resettling, Moving, Posting

Antonyms: Stay, Remain, Indigenous

Example: The whales migrate between their feeding ground in the north and their breeding ground in the Caribbean.

10/10 Marginalized(verb)

To treat a person, group, etc. in a way that makes them feel that they are not important and have no power. (हाशिए पर डालना)

Synonyms: Criticize, Demean, Deprecate, Diminish.

Antonyms: Elevated, Praised, Promoted, Celebrated.

Example: The effect of this has been to increasingly marginalize the local authority sector.

1/10 Lashed(verb)

To strike or beat with a whip or something similar, or to fasten or secure tightly. (बाँधना या मारना)

Synonyms: Whipped, Struck, Bound, Tied

Antonyms: Released, Untied, Freed, Loosened

Example: The sailor lashed the ropes tightly to secure the boat.

2/10 Abutting(adjective)

Being next to or having a common boundary with something. (सटा होना)

Synonyms: Adjacent, Neighboring, Contiguous, Bordering

Antonyms: Distant, Separated, Remote, Detached

Example: The abutting buildings shared a common wall.

3/10 Affected(verb)

To have an influence on someone or something, or to cause a change in someone or something. (प्रभावित)

Synonyms: Afflicted, Concerned, Damaged, Distressed

Antonyms: Calm, Collected, Happy, Sane

Example: I find her rather affected.

4/10 Accompanied(verb)

Go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort. (साथ)

Synonyms: Abetted, Advised, Assisted, Backed

Antonyms: Discouraged, Harmed, Hindered, Impeded

Example: She will accompany me to the store.

5/10 Utilisation(noun)

The action of making practical and effective use of something. (उपयोग)

Synonyms: Application, Discharge, Employment, Usage

Antonyms: Dissatisfaction, Failure, Idleness

Example: The full utilization of facilities.

6/10 Evacuated(verb)

The act of moving people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe (निकास)

Synonyms: Expulsion, Clearing, Discharge, Emptying

Antonyms: Retention, Arrival, Coming, Entrance

Example: They organized the evacuation of the town.

7/10 Assistance(noun)

The act of helping or supporting someone in achieving a goal or completing a task. (सहायता)

Synonyms: Help, Aid, Support, Cooperation

Antonyms: Hindrance, Obstruction, Interference, Impediment

Example: The project was completed on time with the assistance of the entire team.

8/10 Assessment(noun)

The action or an instance of making a judgment about something. (आकलन)

Synonyms: Appraisal, Estimate, Judgment, Computation

Antonyms: Apathy, Detachment, Disregard

Example: We must make an assessment of the cost of repairs.

9/10 Recommendation(noun)

: A suggestion or proposal as to the best course of action, especially one put forward by an authoritative body. (अनुशंसा)

Synonyms: Charge, Endorsement, Guidance, Instruction

Antonyms: Disapproval, Opposition, Refusal, Rejection

Example: I gave the trainee a glowing recommendation.

10/10 Requisite(adjective)

Made necessary by particular circumstances or regulations. (मांग)

Synonyms: Necessary, Required, Prerequisite, Essential

Antonyms: Inessential, Noncrucial, Secondary, Unimportant

Example: She gave all the notices and all the necessary requisites.

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