1/10 Employment(noun)

Having a paid job. (कार्यरत)

Synonyms: Engaged, Hired, Occupied, Busy

Antonyms: Idle, Inactive, Unemployed, Unengaged

Example: Part-time workers accounted for 29.3% of the employed population last year.

2/10 Stating(verb)

Express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing. (वर्णन)

Synonyms: Saying, Expressing, Articulating, Putting

Antonyms: Undefined, Irregular, Tacit, Actual

Example: I was simply stating that I agree with the man.

3/10 Emphasizing(verb)

Give special importance or value to (something) in speaking or writing. (बल देना)

Synonyms: Accentuate, Affirm, Assert, Highlight

Antonyms: Deny, Lose, Mumble, Depreciate

Example: He emphasized how important diet was to health.

4/10 Abolish(verb)

Formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution). (समाप्त करना)

Synonyms: Scrap, End, Stop, Terminate

Antonyms: Allow, Approve, Create, Establish

Example: He is in favor of abolishing the death penalty.

5/10 Referring(verb)

Mention or allude to. (निर्दिष्ट)

Synonyms: Assign, Attribute, Hint, Indicate

Antonyms: Ignore, Neglect, Remove, Insert

Example: I referred to my notes.

6/10 Alleviation(noun)

To make something bad such as pain or problems less severe. (कम करना)

Synonyms: Relieve, Help, Mitigate, Soothe

Antonyms: Hurt, Impair, Harm, Exacerbate

Example: The new tunnel should alleviate traffic on the bridge.

7/10 Numerous(adjective)

Great in number. (बहुत)

Synonyms: Big, Diverse, Great, Large

Antonyms: Little, Miniature, Similar, Small

Example: We've had numerous meetings about it.

8/10 Transit(noun)

Pass across or through (an area). (पारगमन)

Synonyms: Crossed, Navigated, Traveled, Followed

Antonyms: Derailed, Detained, Off the Path, Sidetracked

Example: We are always finding you in transit.

9/10 Praised(verb)

Express warm approval or admiration of. (प्रशस्त)

Synonyms: Exalted, Aided, Blessed, Celebrated

Antonyms: Criticize, Condemn, Blame, Censure

Example: He should be praised for his honesty.

10/10 Prosperity(noun)

Successful in material terms (समृद्ध)

Synonyms: Bustling, Flourishing, Fortunate, Privileged

Antonyms: Destitute, Failing, Impoverished, Lacking

Example: The company had a prosperous year.

1/10 Compliance(noun)

The act of obeying a law or rule, especially one that controls a particular industry or type of work. (अनुपालन)

Synonyms: Adherence, Conformance, Conformity, Observation

Antonyms: Defiance, Disobedience, Intractability, Recalcitrance

Example: We monitor firms to ensure compliance with the law.

2/10 Imposed(verb)

To make a law, rule, opinion, etc. be accepted by using your power or authority. (आरोपित करना)

Synonyms: Foist, Force, Thrust, Inflict.

Antonyms: Disorder, Displace, Forge, Overlook.

Example: I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children.

3/10 Eligibility(adjective)

Having the right to do or obtain something. (योग्य)

Synonyms: Acceptable, Likely, Qualified, Suitable

Antonyms: Unacceptable, Improper, Inappropriate, Ineligible

Example: She is eligible to be (elected) president.

4/10 Invaded(verb)

An instance of invading a country or region with an armed force. (आक्रमण)

Synonyms: Occupation, Conquering, Capture, Seizure

Antonyms: Obedience, Retreat, Surrender, Withdrawal

Example: Linking climate change and biological invasions: ocean warming facilitates nonindigenous species invasions.

5/10 Discrimination(noun)

Make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, sex, age, or disability. (साथ भेदभाव)

Synonyms: Bigotry, Favoritism, Hatred, Inequity

Antonyms: Equity, Fairness, Impartiality, Justice

Example: She felt she had been discriminated against because of her age.

6/10 Sanction(noun)

Official permission to do or change something. (मंज़ूरी)

Synonyms: Penalty, Punishment, Deterrent

Antonyms: Reward, Prohibition, Ban

Example: The government has sanctioned the use of force.

7/10 Unprecedented(adjective)

Never done or known before. (अभूतपूर्व)

Synonyms: Unparalleled, Unequalled, Unmatched, Unrivalled

Antonyms: Bad, Common, Commonplace, Customary

Example: The team has enjoyed unprecedented success this year.

8/10 Resistance(noun)

To fight against something or someone that is attacking you. (विरोध)

Synonyms: Abide, Combat, Confront, Continue

Antonyms: Accept, Encourage, Allow, Assist

Example: I couldn't resist taking a look.

9/10 Scattered(adjective)

spread over a large area or happening several times during a period of time (फैला हुआ)

Synonyms: dispersed, distributed, sprinkled, diffuse

Antonyms: connected, together, united, assembled

Example: books were scattered all round the room.

10/10 Smeared(verb)

Damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations (बदनाम करना)

Synonyms: Sully, Tarnish, Besmirch, Blacken

Antonyms: Clean, Collect, Purify, Honor

Example: The children had smeared peanut butter all over the sofa.

1/10 Lending(noun)

The activity of lending money to people and organizations which they pay back with interest. (ऋण)

Synonyms: Afford, Allow, Contribute, Extend

Antonyms: Conceal, Decrease, Deny, Hold

Example: There is a decline in mortgage lending.

2/10 Elevated(adjective)

Situated or placed higher than the surrounding area. (ऊंचा)

Synonyms: Exalted, Inflated, Animated, Elated

Antonyms: Depressed, Dishonorable, Down, Inferior

Example: She holds a more elevated position in the company.

3/10 Coronation(noun)

The ceremony of crowning a sovereign or a sovereign's consort. (राज्याभिषेक)

Synonyms: Culminating, Highest, Climactic, Crestal

Antonyms: Anticlimactic, Trivial, Insignificant, Indecisive

Example: The coronation of the king will take place in August.

4/10 Coalesced(verb)

Come together to form one mass or whole. (एकत्रित)

Synonyms: Consolidate, Fuse, Integrate, Unite

Antonyms: Divide, Separate, Detach, Disconnect

Example: The puddles had coalesced into shallow streams.

5/10 Enthusiastic(adjective)

Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. (उत्साही)

Synonyms: Eager, Fervent, Zealous, Passionate

Antonyms: Apathetic, Cold, Cool, Disinterested

Example: I'm not wildly enthusiastic about your latest idea.

6/10 Dwindling(adjective)

Gradually becoming smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number. (क्षीण होना)

Synonyms: Diminishing, Depleting, Reducing, Decreasing

Antonyms: Energized, Refreshed, Increasing, Expanding

Example: Support for the party is dwindling.

7/10 Sparked(verb)

Emit sparks of fire or electricity. (चमकना)

Synonyms: Flash, Gleam, Glimmer, Glint

Antonyms: Calm, Check, Discourage, Halt

Example: The fire is sparking dangerously.

8/10 Accomplishment(noun)

Highly trained or skilled in a particular activity. (कुशल)

Synonyms: Expert, Skilled, Masterly, Virtuoso

Antonyms: Clumsy, Incapable, Incompetent, Inept

Example: She has the confidence of an accomplished athlete.

9/10 Nomination(noun)

Propose or formally enter as a candidate for election or for an honour or award. (मनोनीत)

Synonyms: Approved, Proposed, Suggested, Called

Antonyms: Dismissed, Expelled, Discharged, Fired

Example: We expect the party to nominate him for president.

10/10 Strikingly(adverb)

In a way that attracts attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent. (असाधारण रूप से)

Synonyms: Extremely, Highly, Remarkably, Conspicuously

Antonyms: Boringly, Modestly, Drably, Quietly

Example: He strikingly showed he had a very different style.

1/10 Potential(adjective)

Possible when the necessary conditions exist. (संभावित)

Synonyms: Hidden, Likely, Possible, Probable

Antonyms: Real, Actual, Factual, Existent

Example: It was a potentially embarrassing situation.

2/10 Scrambled(verb)

To move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using your hands to help you. (संघर्ष)

Synonyms: Clamber, Climb, Crawl, Scrabble

Antonyms: Dawdle, Crawl, Amble, Stroll.

Example: We scrambled up the hill.

3/10 Scrutinizing(verb)

Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly. (जांचना)

Synonyms: Inspect, Survey, Scan, Study

Antonyms: Forget, Ignore, Neglect, Misunderstand.

Example: I closely scrutinized my opponent's every move.

4/10 Denouncing(verb)

Publicly declare to be wrong or evil. (आरोप लगाना)

Synonyms: Condemn, Criticize, Blame, Decry

Antonyms: Approve, Endorse, Bless, Indorse

Example: He was widely denounced as a traitor.

5/10 Unwavering(adjective)

Steady or resolute. (साबित)

Synonyms: Fixed, Firm, Steadfast, Decided

Antonyms: Wavering, Unsteady,

Example: She was an honest political fighter and even those who did not share her beliefs always respected her for her unwavering commitment.

6/10 Praised(verb)

Express warm approval or admiration of. (प्रशस्त)

Synonyms: Exalted, Aided, Blessed, Celebrated

Antonyms: Criticize, Condemn, Blame, Censure

Example: He should be praised for his honesty.

7/10 Achieved(verb)

To succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort. (हासिल करना)

Synonyms: Accomplish, Attain, Complete, Conclude

Antonyms: Abandon, Begin, Commence, Depart

Example: Most pupils are achieving the standards we set.

8/10 Exacerbated(verb)

To make something worse, especially a disease or problem. (बिगाड़ देना)

Synonyms: Aggravate, Make Worse, Worsen, Inflame.

Antonyms: Calm, Reduce, Aid, Appease.

Example: The proposed factory shutdown would only exacerbate our unemployment problems.

9/10 Seemingly(verb)

Give the impression of being something or having a particular quality. (प्रतीत हुआ)

Synonyms: Imply, Look, Show, Sound

Antonyms: Deny, Gainsay, Conceal, Disclaim

Example: She seemed happy enough this morning.

10/10 Probably(adverb)

As far as one knows or can tell. (शायद)

Synonyms: Apparently, Doubtless, Perhaps, Possibly

Antonyms: Improbably, Uncertain, Unlikely

Example: It will probably rain today.

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