About: The root word “Rap” sometimes can be uses as “rep” is a Latin root derived from the word “Rapere” which means “To snatch/ To seize/ To rob”. Figuratively the sense is always exhibited from derived words, added prefixes and suffixes slightly alter the meaning.


Arreption (noun) - The act of taking away.

Enrapt (adjective) - Fascinated; enthralled.

Enrapture (noun) - Give intense pleasure or joy to.

Rapacious (adjective) - Aggressively greedy or grasping.

Rapacity (noun) - Aggressive greed.

Rapid (adjective) - Happening in a short time or at a great rate.

Rapine (noun) - The violent seizure of someone's property.

Rapt (adjective) - Completely fascinated or absorbed by what one is seeing or hearing.

Raptor (noun) - A bird of prey, e.g. an eagle or hawk.

Rapture (noun) - A feeling of intense pleasure or joy.

Rapturous (adjective) - Characterized by, feeling, or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm.

Surreptitious (adjective) - Kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.

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