Meaning : Wood
About: The word Xyl used in may englsih words derived from Xulon (Greek) which means “wood; the first element of various scientific and technical words that refer to wood”. The derived words always posses the literally sense of root word.
Aeroxyl (noun):Woody plants with a single trunk rising from the ground.
Chromoxylograph (noun):A picture in colors from wooden blocks.
Epixylous (adjective):Growing on wood.
Xylem (noun):Woody tissue or cells.
Xylivorous (adjective):Eating wood as is done by some insects.
Xylogen (noun):In botany, wood or xylem in an early or formative state.
Xylogenous (adjective):Adapted to or living in or on wood.
Xylograph (noun):A wood-engraving (i.e. either an engraving on wood, or an impression from one), especially one from an early period.
Xylology (noun):The science of woods and forests.
Xylophobia (noun): An irrational dread of wooden objects or an excessive fear of forests.

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