About DEMO: The root “DEMO” used in many English words came from Greek word “Demos” which means “The People”. The generally the meaning of the words derived from this root tells “Traits” of “People”. Some words are explained below.
Demagogue (noun) - A rabble-rouser; a leader who rouses the prejudices of mobs.
Demagogism (noun) - The creed of the demagogue.
Democracy (noun) - Government of the people, by the people.
Democrat (noun) - One who believes in democracy.
Democratically (adverb) - In the manner of a democracy.
Democratifiable (adjective) - Able to be made into a democrat.
Democratism (noun) - Theory or system of democracy.
Democratize (noun) - Shape into a democracy.
Pandemic (adjective) - (of a disease) Prevalent over a whole country or the world.

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