1. Aloof

Meaning -/əˈluːf/ - not friendly or interested in other people

Example -The dog was aloof: she came to you on her own terms.

2. Belligerent

Meaning -/bəˈlɪdʒərənt/ - aggressive and unfriendly

Example -His belligerent attitude drove me up the wall.

3. Big-headed

Meaning -/ˌbɪɡ ˈhedɪd/ - arrogant, too proud

Example -He's handsome but also big-headed, which puts me off.

4. Callous

Meaning -/ˈkæləs/ - not caring about others' feelings, pain or problems

Example -The headmaster was callous and disregarded the feelings of the students.

5. Cantankerous

Meaning -/kænˈtæŋkərəs/ - often angry; always complaining

Example -I'm so sick of her! She is so cantankerous! She is never pleased!

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